Help & Resources
Resources for Educators
We believe educators serve as the “media mentors” and models of best practice for children and families.
As educators, we play a critical role in the lives of children and families to support the evaluation, selection, and integration of digital technologies. Digital technologies can play an innovative and powerful role in the learning process, and children and families need our guidance and expertise in child development to navigate best practices.
Please reference the following resources to support your practice when integrating Message from Me.

Resources for Families
As a parent and caregiver, we honor your role as your child’s first teacher. We hope Message from Me serves as a valuable tool to strengthen the connection between you and your child, and your child’s classroom.
The following resources are designed to support your family in making informed decisions on using technologies with your children.
Technical Help
Did you forget your password? Wondering how to see archived media? Trying to figure out how the app works?
We want to help! Browse our list of common questions and their answers.